Welcome to ECFCO!
East Coast Food Conservation Organization, INC. (ECFCO) is a nonprofit with a focus on addressing food insecurity within upstate NY communities. ECFCO currently has 2 Board Members, 5 Staff members, and a large group of both student and community volunteers.
We invite you to tour our website and contact us if you have any questions!
Join us in "Fighting food insecurity one apple at a time"!
Reduce food insecurity in the community,
Reduce food waste in school cafeterias,
Provide educational and volunteer opportunities for school-aged children and community members on reducing their environmental footprint.
BHS Food Shelf
A partnership between ECFCO, Brockport High School's chapter of the National Honor Society, and Foodlink, the BHS Food Shelf serves students, families, and community members of the Brockport Central School District. More information under the "Conservation" tab.
Brockport Community Garden
Located at 35 State Street, the garden is a partnership between ECFCO and the Brockport First Presbyterian Church. Revitalized in 2021, the garden aims to provide a safe space for community members and as an opportunity to educate each other on the wonders of horticulture.
Food Shelf Service Award Recipients:
Jayden Roberts
Congratulations, Jayden! Jayden was awarded the first Food Shelf Service Award on November 23rd, 2022. This honor is awarded to a volunteer of the BHS Food Shelf who has demonstrated the four pillars of the National Honor Society through their continuous and exceptional service towards reducing food insecurity within the Brockport Community.
Recipient also include:
Kai Bonisteel
Hadeel Amireh
Diego Arellano-Jasso
Indigo Pardun
Ella Johnson
Cash Money Service Award Recipients:
Mrs. Patricia Arnold
First awarded on January 12th, 2023 to Mrs. Patricia Arnold (faculty), this honor is awarded to a person who has demonstrated extraordinary “cash money worthy” service to the food shelf. The recipient is a faculty or staff member who has served as a wonderful advocate for the establishment and longevity of the BHS Food Shelf.
Recipient also include:
Mr. Don Voorheis
Administrator; awarded December 21, 2023
Ms. Jamie Porteus
Staff; awarded December 21, 2023
Community Partners
ECFCO would not be able to carry out our mission without the continuous support from these amazing community and nonprofit organizations!
Brockport High School NHS
Continuous support and partnership with the Brockport CSD Food Shelf
Brockport First Presbyterian Church
Allowing ECFCO continuously use their facilities and land
Foodlink has continuously supported the Brockport High School Food Shelf through awarding grant dollars, in addition to being a partner from which we order food from.